Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Master of Bowser the first

 The movie Mr. Deeds goes to town is told in a way that is sort of boring but still intrigue's you to watch it. It is not very comical like Mr. Deeds. It starts out having Mr. Deeds playing the tuba which helps him think. Mr. Deeds inherits 20 million dollars because his uncle had died by crashing down a cliff with his car. Now Mr. Deeds has to go to New York to do paper work. I think Mr. Deeds gets a little excited because he gets to see new stuff. Here comes the turning point in this movie, it involves a little lady that is to nosy and will do anything for a good story. Mary is the news reporter that is supposed to get info on Mr. Deeds. They end up spending lots of time together and what’s funny is that Mary makes a story for the paper on how he chased a fire truck and stuff. At the end of the movie all these rich people are going crazy about the way Mr. Deeds has acted and they take him to court. Mr. Deeds does not represent himself with a lawyer only himself. The guys that were suing him brought people from his home town. They think he is insane and should not be in control of 20 million dollars. He wins this court hearing and gets off and he gives away his money to farmers or to people who really need it the most.
               Adam Sandler’s version is the best I have to say. It was very comical but still had almost the same story as Mr. Deeds goes to town. In Mr. Deeds his uncle Blake died trying to climb Mount Everest. Mr. Deeds comes from Mandrake falls and has to go to New York and collect his 40 billion dollars that he is inheriting. He now owns the company and the New York Jets NFL team. He meets a girl that is a reporter but acts interested in him to get front page stories about him. Her name is Pam Dawson and she is from Winchestertonville, Iowa. Mr. Deeds has a little too much fun and gets drunk and then beats up people and saves a lady and her cats from a fire and Babe the news reporter someone manages to make him seem like a horrible person in those articles. Mr. Deeds in the end gets played out of his fortune and Cedar is selling it to make quick money, but Pam Dawson dies research and finds out that Mr. Deed’s servant that likes feet actually owns Blake and Cedar gets fired and thrown out. Mr. Deeds also gets a million dollars and buys everyone in mandrake falls new corvettes.
                 Between the two movies there uncles die and they both receive fortunes. They both get played by reporters in the first half of the movie but then they realize they are good men. In the end the money that they receive still goes to the people that really need it which really means something. It’s nice to know that there are still good people that will forget what they need and give things to helps others out in life. I liked Adam Sandler’s version more.

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