Thursday, February 26, 2015

the dog book

Dear Diary,

                   I am fuming mad at my son right now. So angry because he does not listen to me anymore. He is always picking and picking at people's heads to get information. He is trying to be a detective and find out who murdered Mrs. Shears dog. This dogs name is Wellington. Chris found him with a pitchfork in his side pinned to the ground. He's always saying he doesn't lie to me but he is. He is always pulling strings and bending what I say to him so far even silly putty will snap in half. It's very hard to raise a son with autism. There are certain things he doesn't do like if I make him a plate of food and if they touch he won’t eat it. This is very frustrating because I work my ass off for him to have food in his stomach. It’s very hard to have him go to school because since it’s a special needs school it cost a lot more and it’s making me broke. I know that I can’t be mad about this but it just kills when you have to do it alone without anyone else's help. Because Chris is so obsessed with this dog getting killed he is going around and asking people questions. It’s embarrassing because since you know he's not all with it and the fact that some people may say something that he should never here and I don’t want him to get hurt. It’s not to fun to come home and have a message on the phone saying that my son is trespassing and needs to stay off my garden. Especially makes me furious when my son wails on a cop. They come and protect everybody and if they feel threatened they can pull a gun on him and they won’t know that he has a condition and they could shoot him dead right there. Please help me with my anger towards him; just want to tell him without hurting him.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Red Is redeemd Warden dives six feet under

Recently I have watched Shawshank Redemption in reading the movies. This Film was by far the most interesting movie we have watched yet. It all starts out when Andy Dufrane comes to Shawshank. Red and a few of his prison buddies bet on which new inmate would break first at the end of the first day. Red bet on Andy but one of his buddies prison mouse broke first and he won. Andy finds out that Red can get stuff for the inmates. He could get anything reasonable to have in prison. Andy’s first words he spoke were asking red to get a rock hammer. It was the size of a bible if not a little smaller. He used this to dig out a hole in the wall behind a poster so he could escape. The warden heard about how he was really good with number and he started doing the warden's taxes and soon the whole prison staff's taxes. The warden has been getting money illegally for a long time. At this time he and Red are like really good friends, almost close enough to be two peas in a pod. The warden switches Andy’s job to the library where he can help Brookes and also teach the inmates and help them get a degree so they are not complete losers.            One day this new inmate arrives at Shawkshank. His name was Tommy and he was the one who told Andy that he was in the same cell and this guy was talking about it what happened to Andy. Andy then knows he got framed and told the warden but the warden went haywire and put him in solitary confinement. The warden also killed Tommy for saying anything. So later on in the movie Andy is doing the warden’s stuff and the warden goes to the safe and Andy being the smartest inmate alive, switches the books. He put the warden’s bible and bank stuff in his belt and put his bible that had the rock hammer inside the safe. The warden told him to shine his shoes and wash his clothes. What Andy did was shine his shoes and put them on and put his old shoes in the warden’s box. Nobody ever thought to look at his feet either. Andy soon escaped by crawling through 500 yards of poop and pee. I do not think Andy was redeemed at all because he was the one with the plan and he's the one that was escaping, he did not change in the 20 years he was there. The only thing he did was take the wardens money and call the cops on him. Now Red is the one that was redeemed.
While he was in prison he kept getting rejected for parole. I think he did this because he thinks that since he was in prison for so long he would not be able to make it in the real world. But after Andy escaped Red saw the big picture I think and he missed Andy so much. Red then put all his feelings into his last parole hearing and he got approved. He promised Andy he would go to the oak tree and find out whatever is under the volcanic rock. He did do that, and it was money so he could go see Andy and help him with his dream and be a part of it. I think Red was redeemed because he chose to get better and he chose a lot of things. He chose not to get a gun and go back to prison. He chose to get Andy that hammer, he chose to protect Andy. He has been rehabilitated and he got a second chance with his best friend and he is pursuing good things. This movie does live up to its name, not only is it suspenseful but it is a redeem movie. Red is not the only one who was redeemed. You could argue that Tommy was redeemed to. Because Tommy was only in there for two years for what he did but he redeemed himself because he told Andy about the guy and how he was framed. But it back fired because the warden sent Andy to solitary and Tommy agreed to help the warden help Andy with his case. Tommy thinking this is how I will help to fix his mistake, but yet the warden has him shot in cold blood. This movie is a good movie I recommend it to any who like intense movies.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shrimping like Bubba with Lt. Dan

In reading the movies we have recently watched Forest Gump. It is very true that a lot of us kids have seen the movie but we never thought about certain things and what they meant. Like for instance the two other main characters Jenny and Lt. Dan. Both of these characters had an effect on Forest but also Forest had an effect on them. When Forest was growing up Jenny was his best friend and Forest would do anything to protect her and that he did. Meanwhile when he was so good to her, she always pushed him away and drug herself into a hole with the drug use and the people she was around. Forest was always having to help her, he would be the "big man" when someone was hurting Jenny. The worst thing Jenny could have done would have to be when she came back and slept with him and she conceived a baby and never told him, until years later.     Lt. Dan of course had taught him the certain needs of survival in the war. Now Lt. Dan was a good person to Forest until Forest saved his life and got him out of the battle field. Since Lt. Dan was blown up at the legs he became calf-less but still had thighs and probably half a knee. His destiny was to die in the field and Forest took that from him and he turned into a drunk and finds Forest and they become friends again. After a bit they become shrimpin fools. In return of Forest taking his destiny, Forest returned the favor and made Lt. Dan a millionaire. Both of these characters do something to Forest that is a mean thing of course but Forest doesn't care and he stills helps his friends. I think the theme of this movie is that “don’t look back at the past keep moving forward." I think this because that exactly what Forest did. When jenny left for the first time he didn’t get all depressed, he didn’t cry in sorrow. He put his best foot forward and still had a great life. Some more examples of this would be when she leaves again after he helped her at the stage, that time he was sad but he still pushed forward. When Jenny left on the hippie bus after Forest punched that guy in the face because he slapped her, he didn’t get mad or sad or anything, he just says "you’re my girl" and I will write you. Forest plays the good guy and that’s what we need more of in America. People like Forest but with a little higher IQ. The world would be a better place.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mr. Smith goes to Washington

I have recently watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. The original senator for Washington dies and they need a new one. They already have a senator for the state but they want to bring Mr. Smith to Washington. At the big meeting they had Mr. Smith and Mr. Bates is present. After Mr. Smith gives his speech, the music starts going and the children are walking up to the stage. The kid that was speaking was choking up and couldn’t remember what to say and how to pronounce these words, while holding a present. Then he said “Ah heck it’s a brief case Mr. Smith. When he arrives in Washington he visits the memorial and the Abraham Lincoln building. Mr. Smith decides he wants to go see Mount Vernon in the morning before he takes the senator seat at noon. While he is sitting in Daniel Webster’s desk he seems to be uneasy and very nervous.
While watching this movie I have thought about how this movie was possible to make, since part of this movie takes place in the Capital Hill. My question is how did they get to use that room while the government was running? Wouldn’t it be a little better if the government was shut down? Mr. Smith’s secretary has had enough and she breaks down and decides to quit, while in the process she starts yelling at Smith and says he should just go home and leave, and makes him look at the man she’s going to marry. Taylor has come and started having a dispute with Mr. Bates and now they want Mr. Smith to go back to whatever senate he was and Mr. Smith does not like it. They are taking him out of the senate because he is taking money from people and I guess being a fraud. They are all putting up signs saying like send Smith to jail and that he makes people starve.
This movie has a good impact on society. It is so easy for publicity to change its story. In real life the people we vote to be in the chair has a choice to obey the law and obey what we expect. If they do not do things to the way we all like then the whole public starts getting hot headed and want that one person out of the chair or get charged with things. What we don’t know is were these people that are in the chair using someone else’s advice and have to obey what they say or they face getting terminated? We don’t know what to expect. In Mr. Smith’s shoes that’s what he faces and now he may go to jail over it. He was just a man that was good at what he does and then they brought him there. They did it to themselves. The entire movie he was getting all this crap and stuff to deal with. I think the theme of this movie is that don’t follow what other people say, stick to your gut and do what’s right. In fact Mr. Smith does this in the end of this movie. He goes and speaks the truth.

Friday, December 19, 2014

holidazeee movayyye

In reading the movies we have recently watched It's A Wonderful Life, and The Family Man. These movies are similar because they share the same theme just take place in a different setting and time. They are both variations of the classic Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens in that the main characters need to learn a valuable life lesson. They both didn’t know the true meaning of Christmas.                   
  Some things that are similar in the movies are of when both men were rich and successful. George Bailey was a rich business man, and Jack Campbell was the president of a company. They both take place during Christmas time. Both Men have realized in the end they are happy with their family and want them. Another similarity of these two movies is that at some point in time they both share crappy jobs. George Bailey was working for his dad when he really wanted to be traveling and doing other stuff. Jack Campbell was working for a big time business earning millions but then in a quick second he is working at a Tire sale place, probably making minimum wage.
  A big difference is in the way the story is told. Jack Campbell has everything he wants. He’s got his Ferrari, apartment, money, and his job. But what he doesn’t have is a family and a wife. George bailey had everything he wanted also. He did have a family and his money and power but he did not know that he was screwing up and he lost his family.                                                                                                                                                            I think these films share similarities in the theme. The theme is that you shouldn’t take things for granite and take a hold of something and never let go. Both of these movies show these two men love their family and they finally took a hold and got their love back.