Friday, December 12, 2014

Saving private ryan/ 1941

 Stephen Spielberg depicted war through films "Saving Private Ryan" and "1941" in two very different ways. The first was a drama and showed the very serious side of loss and sacrifice during war. The second was a comedy that poked fun of the hysteria towards the Japanese after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Each movie appealed to a different audience.
       The film "Saving Private Ryan appealed to me more because it gives a bigger picture of what is was like for the men who fought on D-Day. The poignant message in this movie is that every living person made a sacrifice, and it brought out the best in everybody. The mother of Private Ryan sacrificed her own child for the war; everybody in Saving Private Ryan in the platoon sacrificed two men’s lives to save him. Everybody in the war sacrificed their life to fight. Private Ryan sacrificed his own mother’s happiness for the war.
         In the movie "1941" the message was that fear can drive to people to over react and carry it out of proportion. Wild bill saw an American plane while he was flying and he thought it was a Japanese plane and he took it down. The army put an anti aircraft gun in the middle of someone’s yard in fear of Japanese planes.

Of these two movies I think Saving Private Ryan had the more poignant message. It looked very real when they were storming the beach and losing a lot of their friends.

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