Friday, December 19, 2014

holidazeee movayyye

In reading the movies we have recently watched It's A Wonderful Life, and The Family Man. These movies are similar because they share the same theme just take place in a different setting and time. They are both variations of the classic Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens in that the main characters need to learn a valuable life lesson. They both didn’t know the true meaning of Christmas.                   
  Some things that are similar in the movies are of when both men were rich and successful. George Bailey was a rich business man, and Jack Campbell was the president of a company. They both take place during Christmas time. Both Men have realized in the end they are happy with their family and want them. Another similarity of these two movies is that at some point in time they both share crappy jobs. George Bailey was working for his dad when he really wanted to be traveling and doing other stuff. Jack Campbell was working for a big time business earning millions but then in a quick second he is working at a Tire sale place, probably making minimum wage.
  A big difference is in the way the story is told. Jack Campbell has everything he wants. He’s got his Ferrari, apartment, money, and his job. But what he doesn’t have is a family and a wife. George bailey had everything he wanted also. He did have a family and his money and power but he did not know that he was screwing up and he lost his family.                                                                                                                                                            I think these films share similarities in the theme. The theme is that you shouldn’t take things for granite and take a hold of something and never let go. Both of these movies show these two men love their family and they finally took a hold and got their love back.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


In reading the movies we recently have watched "Reign over Me" and “Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close." In the movie "Reign over Me" Charlie is riding his motorized scooter down a street of New York City. His college roommate Alan was trying for a couple days to get his attention on his scooter. After he gets Charlie's attention they get a cup of coffee, and they hang out a few times. One day Alan upsets Charlie to where Charlie flips his lid and went water boy. Alan learns that Charlie's wife, three children, and dog were killed in 9/11. Alan tries to get Charlie the help he needs, after awhile Charlie agrees to see a psychiatrist. Charlie goes to these sessions about three times and the last time he went he went out of the room into the lobby and started talking about his family and how they died on the plane from Boston during 9/11. This film copes with nine- eleven by the life you live after you lost your loved ones and your best friend. It shows how crappy life is when something so extreme happens.
     The next movie we watched was "Extremely Loud, Incredibly close." This is about a family that is living well in New York City. The parents have a little boy named Oscar. Oscar goes with his dad everywhere, to his store, on little exploring expedition trips. The day of the worst day Oscar goes to school, and the wife is at work by the twin towers. The father had a meeting in the twin towers on a floor above 100. When the plane hit the building it was close to where he was and when Oscar got home he heard his dad calling but he couldn’t answer the phone. His dad was waiting as long as he could to have Oscar be brave enough to answer the phone but it was too late. Oscar feels so horrible about his dad that he yells at his mom about stuff and then he goes in his dad’s closet and drops a vase. There was a key in this vase and Oscar decides to find where the key fits and he thinks it will bring him closer to his dad. Oscar meets his grandfather and he finds out who the key belongs to. Oscar is really bummed out that it didn’t bring him closer to his dad. This movie copes with 9/11 by seeing what it’s like to have a loved one die in the building. Both of these movies have a comparison, they tell both sides of the event. "Reign over Me" tells a story about the extreme terror from the plane hitting the tower. "Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close" tells the story from being in the building and how horrifying it was when the plane hit the building. The movie "Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close" is my favorite movie of the two because I can almost connect with what the little boy was feeling.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Saving private ryan/ 1941

 Stephen Spielberg depicted war through films "Saving Private Ryan" and "1941" in two very different ways. The first was a drama and showed the very serious side of loss and sacrifice during war. The second was a comedy that poked fun of the hysteria towards the Japanese after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Each movie appealed to a different audience.
       The film "Saving Private Ryan appealed to me more because it gives a bigger picture of what is was like for the men who fought on D-Day. The poignant message in this movie is that every living person made a sacrifice, and it brought out the best in everybody. The mother of Private Ryan sacrificed her own child for the war; everybody in Saving Private Ryan in the platoon sacrificed two men’s lives to save him. Everybody in the war sacrificed their life to fight. Private Ryan sacrificed his own mother’s happiness for the war.
         In the movie "1941" the message was that fear can drive to people to over react and carry it out of proportion. Wild bill saw an American plane while he was flying and he thought it was a Japanese plane and he took it down. The army put an anti aircraft gun in the middle of someone’s yard in fear of Japanese planes.

Of these two movies I think Saving Private Ryan had the more poignant message. It looked very real when they were storming the beach and losing a lot of their friends.