Tuesday, November 25, 2014

racism at its finest

In this class we have watched a number of movies that are about race. In the movie "Do the right thing" Spike Lee was the director. If this movie was directed by a white person this movie would have a totally different view. When every one was crowded around Sal's pizzeria Radio got his box smashed with a bat. A fight broke out causing the police  to come. When they came I noticed they were all white cops. One white cop started choking Radio and killed him. The other guy that was with Radio was thrown in the back of a police car. Now if this movie was directed by a white director there would have been more use of the N word, more violence towards the black people. There could be a lot of fatalities involving whites on black fights and what not. The director might have swat come in and arrest everybody at Sal's for destroying it and lighting it on fire.
      You have asked if the movie "Schindler's list" would have been diifferent if he was a german catholic. I think that is a hundred percent right. Since Speilburg was a jewish person he has the views of what it was like during the Holocaust, the nasty devastating horror he had to live in before he came to be a Schindler jew. If he was a german catholic he would have the views of a nice house to live in, a good meal to eat every night before laying in a bed that felt like you were on clouds. He would have the joy of shooting those jews like most of the germans did. So yes this movie would have a different view not to mention a different plot.
          Last but not least the movie "Glory." This movie was told by a white actor basically focusing on the commander, which was also white. Now this story is about the civil war and the civil war was fought for the end of slavery. So that being said the commander at first didn't like these black people all to well. But then his view turned drastically with a snap of a stick. When the commander found out why the one black guy tried to leave, it was because he needed new footwear because his feet looked like hamburger meat. So the commander went and got everybody in the regiment new footwear. If this was told by a black director I really do think it would show how these dudes were being treated, how they had to live while in the regiment, what they were fed. More vulgar terms may be used and yes of course the n word. I really do think the ethnicity's of these directors takes a toll on the movie itself. There are plenty of different ways these stories can be told and they all lead back to what the ethnicity of the director is.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

race and sports

In the year 2014 racism is alive and well. While it is true, that we have made progress towards getting along. We still have a ways to go. Sports teams can pave the way to a new beginning. Sports teams like the military have people of different races coming together to fight for a common goal. Teammates at any level usually want to win, and will over look their teammates race for the sake of the team. This opens the door for true understanding. There are many examples of this in the movies we have watched. In the movie “Remember the Titans.” Both white and black players had to play together due to integration in schools. At the start of the movie the coaches wouldn’t get along with each other same with the football players.  The new head coach “Boone” had everyone get off their buses and he split them into offense and defense. This made the buses not segregated and whoever they sat with was their roommate at camp. Coach had all the players get to know their families, what they like, where they were from, what they eat etc... After the big step of getting to know each other they started to work for the same goal and became a team. Sports may, or may not eliminate racism.  After a football game Gerry asked coach if he can kick ray off the team because he was purposely not blocking for Rev. Sports did not eliminate racism for Ray. If his hate was so strong that he wouldn’t even work with the team then he shouldn’t be playing.  Sports did however change Gerry’s beliefs about racism. Even with the movie “42” one of the men on Jackie’s team heard another man by the dugout yelling slurs at Robinson and he got sick of it. He went out of the dugout and defended Jackie Robinson. The way he thought about it changed after the coach showed him the letters that were sent to Jackie. He even took a big step and went up to Jackie in a game and was saying that he had family in the stands and they need to know who he was. In the movie “Glory Road” There was not many black players in basket-ball. They were getting racial slurs all the time and bad stuff happened at a hotel and restaurant. All the players came together and got past the racism between them and they worked together and they won the championship game. All of these movies and articles somehow show their moral high ground. All of these coaches also took the moral high ground. They could have split the team into whites only offense or blacks only defense. But they didn’t because it was a team and they all worked together to achieve their goal.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

here comes the hero

We've recently watched a film called Here Comes The Boom. This movie is a pretty good one because there's a lot more action incorporated then what you would think. You wouldn't think to see Kevin James with his flab fighting in a ring with a professional MMA fighter. Let alone he does get his butt handed to him but there's a drastic turn around when he all the sudden knocks this guy out. I think that Kevin James is a hero because of the fact that he went and got the crap beat out of him to help not only the students but to help the music teacher keep his job so he can also have money to raise his unborn child. While this is going on the assistant principle stole all the money that Kevin James and the music teacher saved up to help the school. Kevin James main thought process was to just lose his fight in the UFC to get $10,000and go home. But from him being the hero when he finds out that the money is gone he wants to win. The students even showed up to the fight and played his song and that motivated him like no tomorrow. He was about to get knocked out but he fought and he knocked him out cold with the lightning flash strike to the face. (*-*)